
What Are Implants?

Dental implants are a type of dental repair that involves the surgical implantation of a titanium post or frame into the jawbone with a tooth like cap on top. This procedure is typically performed in order to replace missing teeth.

The screw or post fills in the space left by a lost tooth's root and offers a strong base for the replacement tooth, such as a crown or bridge, to be placed on top of it. Because of their strength and durability, as well as their ability to replicate the appearance and feel of real teeth, dental implants are the tried-and-true alternative for replacing lost teeth. This is because they give a natural-looking and -feeling option for tooth replacement.




Advantages of Implants

With a 97% success rate of any tooth-replacement option and a track record spanning decades, implants are considered to be the best long-term solution to missing teeth. If properly cared for, implants can last a lifetime, thereby making them a good monetary value.

Through osseointegration, implants become integrated with the jawbone itself, forming a strong and durable anchor for new teeth. Implants also help preserve bone structure and can actually halt bone loss, which typically follows after severe tooth decay.

Unlike other restorative measures, implants cannot loosen over time and function just like natural teeth. With modern materials and practices, implants are virtually indistinguishable in both aesthetics and function.



Implant Procedure

Since dental implants entail surgery, you must undergo several steps which include a dental checkup, medical history review, treatment plant overview, as well as the surgery itself. During the initial steps, Dr.Youssef Lamjed will thoroughly evaluate your affect tooth, determine if implants are your best course of treatment, inspect your mouth, bite, and jawbone to see if they can support implants, take descriptive imaging and X-rays of your mouth, and other series of procedures to help prepare you for the process.

Typically, implants are an outpatient operation conducted in the following phases: tooth extraction, if required jawbone grafting, implantology, osteogenesis and healing, anchoring, and placement of the actual implants. Overall, the procedure might take months, most of that time is spent on healing between the phases.

To begin, if required, Dr. Youssef Lamjed will remove the affect tooth along with its root and clean the surrounding gum socket and area. Next, he will open your gumline down to the bone, where he will bore holes through it, for the implant post to sit in. Through detailed scans, Dr.Youssef Lamjed will send exact measurements of your mouth and the holes drilled into it so that our lab can properly form the appropriate implants and their screws to fit perfectly in your mouth. During this time, a temporary partial denture might be implanted for aesthetic purposes.

Once the clinic receives the implant and post back from our lab, the implant post is in screwed into the holes that Dr. Youssef Lamjed had drilled. Once situated, a healing time of a few months is required so that osseointegration can occur around the implant post. This is when your jawbone develops into and joins with the implant, which helps establish a firm framework for your new artificial tooth, just like roots do for real teeth. Once the osseointegration is complete, the abutment or upper part of the implant is placed. This may require some additional minor surgery to install, so that the abutment protrudes over your gumline. Once your gums recover after the abutment procedure, you will get additional mouth and tooth impressions, that aid in build your fake crown. Implant crowns come in either a detachable or fixed form, which you and Dr.Youssef Lamjed will decide on that will be the best option